Details about readout, some results of irradiations of sensors etc.  are in:

1.   Conceptual Design and Functional Specifications of ATLAS Radiation Monitor

2. IEEE paper presented at the RADECS 06 Workshop: I. Mandiæ et. al., Online Integrating Radiation Monitoring System for the ATLAS Detector at the Large Hadron Collider, IEEE   TNS, Vol. 54, No. 4, August 2007, p. 1143

3. Contribution to TWEPP 2008 confernece by Jochen Hartert: The ATLAS Radiation Dose Measurement System and its Extension to SLHC Experiments

4. Document about radiation monitoring outside of the Inner Detector written by Sebastien Franz

5. Document describing readout details

6. RADMON twiki pages

7. Slides and proceedings presented at  the ANIMMA 2009 conference

8. Poster and proceedings form IEEE conference in Valencia in 2011

9. Slides presented at RAD2012 conference

Slides presented at Radiation montors mini workshop at CERN, June 2008

Talks given at RADMON meetings at CERN

1.  July 2006

2.  March 2005

3. November 2004


June 2005