1. TID in the inner detector in 2010

The plot shows averages of measurements from several RadFETs on three different sets of locations: Pixel Support Tube (4 sensors), Inner Detector End plate at R = 54 cm (3 sensors) and Inner Detector End Plate at R = 80 cm (3 sensors).

  1. NIEL in the inner detector 2010

The plot shows averages of measurements from several PIN diodes on three different sets of locations: Pixel Support Tube (1 sensors), Inner Detector End plate at R = 54 cm (4 sensors) and Inner Detector End Plate at R = 80 cm (4 sensors).


3.      Comparison with simulation


Same plots as above with simulation curves added. Simulated values are calculated from integrated luminosity multiplied by proportionality factors (Gy/pb-1 or 1 MeV equivalent neutron fluence/pb-1) from  simulations


1.      TID

2.      NIEL


    Recent doze and fluence summary plots are available here