List of publications TCT


  1. Determination of effective trapping times for electrons and holes in irradiated silicon
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 476, Issue 3, 11 January 2002, Pages 645-651
    G. Kramberger, V. Cindro, I. Mandic, M. Mikuz, M. Zavrtanik
  2. Bistable damage in neutron-irradiated silicon diodes
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 476, Issue 3, 11 January 2002, Pages 565-568
    V. Cindro, J. Kolar, G. Kramberger, M. Mikuz, M. Zavrtanik
  3. Temperature Dependence of Electron and Hole Signals in p+-n-n- Diodes Irradiated with Neutrons in the Presence of Continuous Non-equilibrium Carrier Injection,

IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 2002, vol. 49(1), p. 264                   

      M. Zavrtanik,V. Cindro, G. Kramberger, I. Mandic, M. Mikuz                

  1. Influence of trapping on silion strip detector design and performance,

            IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 2002, vol. 49(4), p. 1717                             

            G. Kramberger, V. Cindro, I. Mandic, M. Mikuz, M. Zavrtanik

  1. Effective trapping time of electrons and holes in different silicon materials irradiated with neutrons, protons and pions
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 481, Issues 1-3, 1 April 2002, Pages 297-305
    G. Kramberger, V. Cindro, I. Mandic, M. Mikuz, M. Zavrtanik
  2. Field engineering by continuous hole injection in silicon detectors irradiated with neutrons
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 497, Issues 2-3, 1 February 2003, Pages 440-449
    G. Kramberger, V. Cindro, I. Mandic, M. Mikuz, M. Zavrtanik
  3. Determination of the effective dominant electron and hole trap in neutron-irradiated silicon detectors
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 516, Issue 1, 1 January 2004, Pages 109-115
    G. Kramberger, V. Cindro, I. Mandic, M. Mikuz, M. Zavrtanik
  4. Recovery of charge collection in heavily irradiated silicon diodes with continuous hole injection
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 518, Issues 1-2, 1 February 2004, Pages 343-345
    V. Cindro, I. Mandic, G. Kramberger, M. Mikuz, M. Zavrtanik
  5. Charge-collection efficiency of heavily irradiated silicon diodes operated with an increased free-carrier concentration and under forward bias
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 533, Issue 3, 11 November 2004, Pages 442-453
    I. Mandić, V. Cindro, G. Kramberger, M. Mikuž, M. Zavrtanik
  1. Charge collection properties of heavily irradiated epitaxial silicon detectors
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 554, Issues 1-3, 1 December 2005, Pages 212-219
    G. Kramberger, V. Cindro, I. Dolenc, E. Fretwurst, G. Lindström, I. Mandić, M. Mikuž, M. Zavrtanik
  2. Annealing studies of effective trapping times in silicon detectors
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 571, Issue 3, 11 February 2007, Pages 608-611
    G. Kramberger, M. Batič, V. Cindro, I. Mandić, M. Mikuž, M. Zavrtanik
  3. Radiation damage in p-type silicon irradiated with neutrons and protons
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 599, Issue 1, 1 February 2009, Pages 60-65
    Vladimir Cindro, Gregor Kramberger, Manuel Lozano, Igor Mandić, Marko Mikuž, Giulio Pellegrini, Jožef Pulko, Miguel Ullan, Marko Zavrtanik
  4. Performance of silicon pad detectors after mixed irradiations with neutrons and fast charged hadrons. Nucl. instrum, methods phys res., Sect. A, Accel., 2009, vol. 609, no. 2/

KRAMBERGER, Gregor, CINDRO, Vladimir, DOLENC, Iztok, MANDIĆ, Igor, MIKUŽ, Marko, ZAVRTANIK, Marko

  1. Investigation of irradiated silicon detectors. IEEE trans. nucl. sci., 2010, vol. 57, no. 4, str. 2294-2302.

KRAMBERGER, Gregor, CINDRO, Vladimir, MANDIĆ, Igor, MIKUŽ, Marko, MILOVANOVIĆ, Marko, ZAVRTANIK, Marko, ŽAGAR, Kristina.

  1. Comparison of pad detectors produced on different silicon materials after irradiation with neutrons, protons and pions. Nucl. instrum, methods phys res., Sect. A, Accel.. [Print ed.], 2010, vol. 612, no. 2, str. 288-295.

KRAMBERGER, Gregor, CINDRO, Vladimir, DOLENC, Iztok, MANDIĆ, Igor, MIKUŽ, Marko, ZAVRTANIK, Marko.