I am a professor at the Department of Physics, Faculty of mathematics and physics,
University of Ljubljana, and a researcher at the
Experimental particle physics department (F9), J. Stefan Institute,
Ljubljana. I spend a sizeable fraction of my time in Japan as a researcher at the
Belle II experiment at KEK, Tsukuba, and as a visiting professor of the Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute, University of Nagoya.
My research is focused on precision flavour physics, a very interesting and hot
part of elementary particle physics. I carry out experiments with the Belle II and Belle detectors at
an electron-positron accelerator,
investigate novel identification methods based on Cherenkov radiation, and look for their
applications in detectors
for medical imaging. I am the principal investigator of the ERC Advanced grant
FAIME (»Flavour Anomalies with advanced particle Identification MEthods«)
-> More details on my research, conference
talks and publications.
I also enjoy teaching physics and talking about
physics to general public,
writing blogs and tweeting about my research and beyond.
In my spare time, I cycle, hike and ski, and enjoy reading good books.
More about me:
Employment, Positions and Appointments
Awards, distinctions
Professional activities