Early stage researcher position available
at the J. Stefan Institute for the research on the development of a
novel ultra fast TOF PET method.

We are looking for a young experimental physicist, ready to participate in
research training as an early-stage researcher (3.5-year position). The
research work will lead to the award of a PhD.
The research will be carried out within the group led by Samo Korpar and Peter Krizan.
The main speciality of the group is the development of Cherenkov detectors like the ARICH detector of Belle II. The group has also pioneered a Cherenkov light based
ultra fast time-of-flight positron emission
tomography (TOF PET) method with a
time-of-flight resolution better than 100 ps.
A brief motivation for such a fast system can be found in a set of slides.
The early stage researcher will focus his/her research on the development of an annihilation gamma detector
module with silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) as photo sensors, on the overall design considerations of such a system, and on the computer based
image reconstruction methods.
candidates should send a CV, a list of exams, and a copy of the diploma or
master certificate to peter.krizan @ ijs.si. They
should also arrange for two letters of reference to be sent to the same email
The deadline for applications is Aug 18, 2016.
For further details please contact:
Prof. Peter Krizan
J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana,
phone: +386-1-477-3786, fax:+386-1-4773166, email: peter.krizan @ ijs.si.